
Ultra Shell Revision History

02/26/97 - V1.07 -  Calls to the EtShellOverride%() API function would

09/24/96 - V1.06 - Completely rewrote the API. Reduced the number of segments to 1 (from 3). Also resolved conflict with PowerBASIC 3.2: if GetStrLoc was called from the inline assembler in a Unit file, either the code in the Unit or the UltraShell API would not work properly (due to a bug in PB 3.2).
10/05/94 - V1.05 - The SwapAbort% parameter in the EtSwapSelect%() function was being ignored by the UltraShell code. It now works properly. Also, the swap file was always being written to the default drive, no matter what drive was specified for the swap file in the EtShellSetSwapFile%() function.
07/11/94 - V1.04 - When shelling out of an application while in an EGA/VGA graphics mode, the Int 43h vector (which points to the Character Generator Table for use in graphics video modes) could be overwritten as we prepped the IVT for the shell. This would result is garbage being displayed while the target app was running. Our thanks to Hsih-Hao Huang and Alan Earnshaw for their help (and persistence) in tracking this one down.
11/18/93 - V1.03 - Fixed a minor problem broken in V1.02.
11/17/93 - V1.02 - Fixed error code translation problem when returning from the DOS EXEC function.
- Added EtShellTrapOutput. Call this routine if you want to disable all BIOS screen output during a shell. Say, for example, you want to shell to the COPY command but don't want your user to see the "1 file(s) copied" message scrolling up the screen.
07/22/93 - V1.01 - Fixed a problem with making two consecutive shells to XMS.
- ULTRASHL.EXE was creating an unneeded debugging file. Deleted.
05/23/93 - V1.00 - Production Release.

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